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Indoor Air Quality Report: What you need to know about the air you breathe at home.


Millions of microscopic molecules move through our air systems at home hourly that contaminates our air and endangers the way we breathe. Many homeowners are not aware of this danger and constantly place their families and pets in harms way without even realizing it. Even when some people do become aware of the dangers, many do not act on the issue and allow their families to be poisoned with polluted air, setting themselves up for lengthy and expensive future hospital visits. Some take care of the issue and change the way they breathe for a healthier way of living. My question to you is: Which person are you?

The most important aspect of our living is our air. But how much do you really know about the health and safety of the air you are breathing? Not, very much, as you have your profession and other things to worry about. Not to mention the fact you are not a trained technician to identify and eliminate these issues. If you did not know, we breathe over 3,400 gallons of air a day, and 90% of that air is being inhaled indoors. The EPA has stated that the indoor air quality of the average American home is "70% worse" than the air outdoors, according to studies, and carry "40 times the pollutants" compared to the air outside. Contaminated indoor air leads to breathing issues, like asthma,

Its very simple to check your system for these issues. If you knew it only took 10 minutes to find out if your family's air is safe, would you sacrifice that small amount of time to guarantee your families health and safety? I am sure you would.

Let's go over how your Air Filtration and delivery works, shall we? Click on the pictures below for a summary on each of your system's components.

So, now that you are aware of the potential dangers of your air conditioning system, the only thing left to do is to take care of the issue, right? But then you take a look at your schedule and decide you don't have the time to protect the ones you love. You might even decide that you don't want to be bothered with cleaning the system that supplies the air to your family and plays a critical role in their safety and health. Well, both issues can be taken care of with out your life being interrupted! By simply clicking a link, you can not only protect the air your family breathes, but you can continue to live your life while you do it! It only takes 10 minutes to examine your system and receive your assessment report. We'll confirm your scheduled cleaning date, then our team of specialists will come out to your home and systematically sanitize your air filtration and delivery system! You will notice the immediate difference in air quality and feel and will probably wonder: "What took me so long?" Your family will love it and so will you. So, visit our website, sign up and begin the short journey into changing the air your family breathes.

Oh, did I mention your assessment is FREE???

What your system may look like versus what it should be:


2. Book your visit

3. Within the hour, one of our SST Technicians will contact you to confirm your details.

4. Done!

5. Now you can Rest easier knowing you have just protected the air your family Breathe!

View our website at:


"We take Quality Care of your Air."

All Season Air Florida, LLC

Oakland Park, FL


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